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《尾仔 Little Meichai》


山哥 Sangor,山頭霸王

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Meichai is an outdoor girl who treasures her relationship with mother nature. She leads the readers to the mountains and the seas to discover the spectacular scenery of the rural landscapes. She guides us through streets and alleys in different communities and finds out the story of the neighbourhood. As its creator intends, the viewers are following Mei Jai and taking a closer look at the city they live in.

尾仔 Little Meichai

黃花 Fa Wong,尋找春天的海龜女


Fa Wong, the little sea turtle lady who is born in lamma island. she has a dream: find a handsome boyfriend and chasing for love, get married and have a home to lay eggs. Often rejected, still trying to stick to it.

光仔 Little Dawn,倒霉的冒險家


Little Dawn is an incredible super black luck little boy, a hapless adventurer, and very bad things are love to follow him. However, the optimistic and positive Little Dawn always look them as very interesting things. Besides, he like to help others and feel happy.


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熊貓 Panda,大自然的百科傳書



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搗蛋小鬼三兄弟,Brother Cats

細膽乖寶寶茄子 Eggplant,
衝動搗蛋鬼小辣椒 Chili  

搗蛋三寶貓咪三兄弟,一個衝動愛搗蛋,一個膽小論盡怕事, 還有一個貪玩又為食,三個傻小子互相照顧,樂於助人,然而幫倒忙時足以引發宇宙大爆炸。

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